Why I Am Building Micro SaaS Apps for E-commerce Stores

3 min readOct 14, 2021

0.0 — Where it started

I wanted to document my saas project journey because I wanted to have something to look back on later on and share some of the lessons and insights gained along the way.

I hope to build a community of creators and builders who get their kick out of creating cool things digitally as I do. It has been a long hard road, but one that will be worth it in the end I believe.

My goal is to share an update (bi)-weekly where I want to discuss what we’ve built, what we learned and what challenges we faced and hopefully some of your stories.

I am not going to lie — starting a new venture is always scary. There are so many things you will need to do, and so many ideas worthwhile. That being said, I want to view every new challenge I come across as an opportunity to learn.

I’ve always believed technology should be an extension of our human limitations. That’s why I was looking for a new project that would combine the two of my favourite things.

Solving problems through tech, breaking down a problem or idea and finding innovative ways to reach the goal, is something I enjoy. From a young age, I’ve always loved to create.

My mom often reminds me of the numerous times we walk to a construction site nearby. Where I would stand and watch for hours (or until she got bored) how the machines worked because I wanted to try to recreate them with my Lego’s as soon as I got back home.

Luckily I was introduced to computers at a young age, by my father. Eventually, this lead to my first website (about, you guessed it… Lego’s).

And during my school years, this slowly grew to iOS apps (I still have about 15 apps in the App Store) and web apps. The latter is what occupies most of my time currently.

My passion for coding came from my love for creation.

But, in order to be able to live from the software I built, I needed to learn how to sell (the software I made). This is what eventually got me into digital marketing, where I mostly focused on Facebook and Instagram advertising.

I am really excited about the project I am currently working on and I want to bring you along with the ride.

My goal for this project is to create tools for e-commerce businesses that generate more orders and sales (and ultimately profit) without (a lot of) effort by the people running the business.

Simply put, I want to make you more money.

Curious about the project?

On the next episode, I will tell you what apps I am working on and what they do for you.

Don’t want to miss it? Subscribe here

P.S. Let me know in the comments, what milestones have you achieved this week?




Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. In a time of destruction and waste. This is what I try to focus on.